Month: September 2015

Past Imperfect – #311

The prosecuting attorney dramatically flourished Exhibit A: “As you can see by this photo, drug usage was rampant at the Beverly Hills Tennis Club in 1932!” Defense Attorney: “And what, other than your well-known alcoholism, led you to this questionable conclusion?” Prosecution: “First of all, we have Gilbert […]

Past Imperfect – #309

Mary Pickford: “What do you mean this doesn’t look realistic?” Douglas Fairbanks: “We’re supposed to be looking like the typical American family so the people in Kansas will go see our movies. How does any of this say any of that?” Mary: “Well, we’re in a boat. People […]

Past Imperfect – #308

Corinne: “Go to Hollywood, they said. Become a big star, they promised. And it all worked out for a while, and I got to go to all the right parties. Then some fool invented talking pictures, and overnight my career tanked. Now I’m stuck doing ill-advised publicity shots […]

Past Imperfect – #307

Let’s eavesdrop on the wedding participants’ thoughts, shall we? Left to right. Conrad Hilton: “I am so glad that Elizabeth Taylor agreed to marry me. I’m sure her decision had nothing to do with my family being so wealthy that we can buy elections and entire countries.” Elizabeth […]

Past Imperfect – #306

Father: “You’ve disappointed me again, Clara.” Clara: “Whatever could you mean, Father?” Father: “Coming home drunk again, all tarted up and messy.” Clara: “How could you possibly think I was drink?” Father: “”Because you’re talking to the hat rack over there, and I’m over here.” Clara: “Oh. I […]

Past Imperfect – #305

Buddy: “How about this pose? Does it make me look dashing?” Photographer: “If by ‘dashing’ you mean spoiled brat showing off his toys then, yes, you hit the mark.” Buddy: “Hey, now. You’re talking to a movie star. I was in the flick that won the first Academy […]

Past Imperfect – #304

Buster: “Why are you looking at me like that?” Marceline: “Don’t be simple. Is there something you need to tell me?” Buster: “I can’t imagine what. I share everything with you, my love.” Marceline: “Not everything. I found your stash of pornography involving carnal mimes.” Buster: “Oh. Well, […]