Tag: Bad Hair

Past Imperfect – #169

As expected, the attendees at the national convention of a certain religious organization refused to take their blinders off. Otherwise, they would be forced to see the effects of hypocrisy and the cherry-picking of dogma, and that just wouldn’t do. Still, they all got a free toaster oven […]

Past Imperfect – #132

In this still from the film, the director intended to layer the scene with a number of intricate but subtle subtexts about society. (Over-population, climate change, the awkwardness of not realizing you are in a gay bar until you’ve tried flirting with the wrong people, the many cows […]

Past Imperfect – #95

Norma was rather fond of the contraption created by her hair stylist, especially the medallion in the midst of it all that seemed to indicate she had won an award of some kind. But then the Federal Aviation Administration stepped in and asked her to leave the country […]

Past Imperfect – #84

The final scene of the play was a smashing success, with critics on their feet. The story was powerful and emotional, with Dorothy managing to bring her lover back from the dead, despite the fact that Dorothy was sporting an unfortunate bowl-cut hairdo which would convince most men […]